Google AdSense to move from pay-per-click to pay-per-impression model

Google AdSense to move from pay-per-click to pay-per-impression model

The well-known advertising network Google AdSense has announced that it would switch from a pay-per-click to a pay-per-impression model. This means that publishers will get paid each time an ad is shown.

This means that publishers will get paid each time an ad is shown.

This means that publishers will get paid each time an ad is shown.

 AdSense will stop paying publishers per click and instead follow the display industry standard of paying per impression.

Google has also revised the revenue-sharing framework within AdSense, ensuring a standardized method for publishers to assess the varying fees associated with the diverse technologies they employ for monetization.

Google AdSense has made changes to how it handles fees in a single transaction. The company has now divided the AdSense revenue share into distinct rates for both the buy-side and sell-side.

"In the case of displaying ads with AdSense for content, publishers are entitled to 80% of the revenue, after the deduction of the advertiser platform's fees, which can include Google's buy-side or third-party platforms," as stated by the company.

As an example, when Google Ads buys display ads on AdSense, Google Ads typically keeps approximately 15% of the advertiser's expenditure.

Publishers will retain approximately 68% of the revenue. However, when advertisers utilize a third-party platform to acquire display ads tahrough AdSense, publishers will retain 80% of the revenue after the third-party platform deducts its fee.